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Courses: Retreats and Workshops

  Just Announced

  Just Announced

Reflections of Mediumship & Spirit Art
Shirrene May and Rita Vogel Post  -  Oakville, ON  -  Saturday, June 23, 2018

You are invited to participate in a full day of Mediumship through Healing and Spirit Art. Explore aspects of Mediumship to gain a better understanding of your connection to self and Spirit.



This interactive workshop is for both the beginner and the advanced medium, allowing participants to connect with Spirit in a most practical, powerful way.


Beginners will learn how to connect with Spirit and how to listen, to use their ability to help others, and to use universal energy in healing others.


More advanced participants will learn how to enhance their abilities, to become more evidential in message delivery and use in practical ways in your everyday lives and opening up to the subtle energies of universal healing. This workshop will introduce all interested, to the responsibility of being a healer and medium.


There will be a discussion on why Spirit communication is essential in our lives. What Spirit communication offer to those willing to learn, and the scope of healing energies in our world of instant communication technologies.


Spirit Art
Spirit Art is a complementary way of expressing your communication and connection with Spirit. The subtleties of colour, the use of icons, numerology, symbols, shapes, animals and flowers all contribute to the creation of Spirit Art.


Learn how stimulating your visual senses can open and enhance your Mediumship. 

You don't need to be a skilled artist to benefit from this class. Come with an open mind and welcome possibilities. Free your child like mind, be creative and explore options, you will open up different aspects of your Mediumship.


Practical exercises will follow discussions on various forms of Spirit Art.



Shirrene May

Shirrene May is a naturally gifted psychic medium and healer with over 40 years experience.


As an International Medium, she has taught workshops and seminars and participated in public demonstrations of Spirit communication in Canada, the United States, and Great Britain.


Shirrene is well known for her evidential mediumship and the care and help she has given to others using her gifts. Her passion lies in teaching others the way of spirit communication and healing in a no-nonsense, practical fashion. She is down to earth, warm and compassionate.




Location: Quality Suites, 754 Bronte Road, Oakville, ON

Workshop Date: June 23, 2018 
Class begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m..

Workshop Fee: $135
Includes: Class instruction, Supplies, Coffee Breaks and Lunch



To register or for more information email Summer Land Centre , or click the link below or email and type Request Application for "Mediumship & Spirit Art" in the subject line.


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Milton, ON  L9E 0L6  


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